We have trekked through the waters, passed through the fires, skipped through the open fields, stood on mountain tops and sat in deep valleys.
We are still standing. Sometimes dazed and confused, together we survive.
Together we are stronger.
These seasons of life unite us, build strength and richness in us that we could never buy.
Looking into your eyes I only saw a future of rainbows and roses standing at the altar 8 years ago.
My innocence could not prepare me for the days ahead, but I wouldn’t trade those days because today I stand beside you, holding your hand, knowing the storms and waves of this life has not overtaken us. My love for you only intensifies as we battle together through the thick and thin.
Though these harder seasons deplete our strength it can not deplete our love.
These seasons of fire refines our love and makes us stronger.
Our love is like a light, flickering as a candle flame. When life gets darker our flame burns
brighter and stronger.
*this is shot from our latest hike this weekend together. The hike was incredibly difficult, but this view made it worth it. It was a symbol for our marriage and life together–the best is yet to come…hold on!