Holidays can be really hard on kiddos because it changes up their routines, they tend to eat a little more sugar and foods they aren’t used to, the days get packed with busy schedules, naps fall by the way side, lots of interaction with more family and friends, and simply the hustle and bustle of the most wonderful time of the year… and without warning it can become the worst time of the year because your sweet babes become overtired and overstimulated from all the Holiday fun.
How do I know this? Well let’s say this mama of twins has experienced all the Holiday “fun” first hand. As we enter the countdown till Christmas (7 days but whose counting?!) I’ve pre-made my rollerball blends, making sure to stay diligent with routines and oils in the midst of the excitement of parties, lights, Santa, presents, family, and all that comes with the season.
I wanted to share my personal family tips and sanity savers with you today in hopes to support your family and kids through a fun, yet crazy time of the year.
I hope this is helpful for you.
Merry Christmas!
So why Essential Oils?
Essential oils are powerful, volatile, aromatic compounds that are natural, safe and effective. They have the ability to support emotions and health for the entire family. Having these oils in our home is our family’s tool kit to support us physically and emotionally during all seasons but especially seasons like this! I truly cannot imagine life without these amazing oils.
How to use them with your kiddos:
During the Christmas time sweets are hard to avoid altogether. I am pretty strict about sugar with my twins, but during the Holidays they get to experience a few fun treats. The problem with sugar is it can suppress the body’s immune system.To help support your kids health and immunity during Christmas, use an immunity rollerball 2-3x a day down their spine and on their feet. The girls get their immunity oils every morning when they wake and before bed all throughout the year. During this time of the year though, they get oils applied at nap-time too.
Little tummies can get upset with the change in eating schedules, new foods, extra sweets, and lack of sleep. To support their little bellies we use a Tummy Tamer rollerball (with DigestZen and Wild Orange oils). We apply clockwise on their bellies every evening or when they ask for it. If they have upset tummies the girls are so good about asking us for the “Tummy Oils.”
With busier days, later nights, and the anticipation for Christmas it can be hard for little ones to wind down and fall to sleep…and we all know Mama NEEDS her break, so sleep is a must in this household 🙂 A good diffuser blend for the Holidays that we run in the girls room is, Lavender + Siberian Fir. I love Lavender for it’s calming benefits and I love adding Siberian Fir because it helps soothes anxious feelings, and has a relaxing aroma, it supports healthy respiratory function which is definitely needed this time of the year. The best part is, it smells like Christmas!
To help support your kid before, during, or even after a meltdown happens, this next rollerball blend is a great one to carry with you. We rub down the spine, base of the neck, and feet if needed. Balance, Vetiver, and Lavender are great calming and grounding oils to help your kiddos adjust through the Holidays. Lack of sleep and changing schedules is the #1 reason my kids meltdown fast. One of our babes specifically struggles with overstimulation which amplifies anxiousness and makes transitions difficult. These oils (and also the Peace Rollerball) are blends we use to help her throughout the day. Peace promotes feelings of composure, and reassurance when anxious feelings overwhelm. A good time to apply these oils is mornings, before transitions, or when needed. 🙂
I don’t know about you but my kids can sometimes get cranky as we readjust to our schedules, come off sugar, and come back to our healthy food routines. This is a fun oil blend to help those kids who are extra cranky, pouty, and whiney after Christmas. Use this on their feet and spine as needed. Another fun oil to try is the Cheer rollerball. Apply to the bottoms of the feet of a child who needs a boost of positivity and cheerfulness. (Mama’s can also use this on their wrists and neck if you need a boost too) 🙂
BONUS TIP: For the Mama’s!
After the Holidays are all over, use this diffuser blend in your home.
Don’t have essential oils yet in your home? You can get started today! When you join get access to: 25% of retail pricing, continuing education, welcome gift from me, essential oil resources and access to an oil community…. plus SO much more! I’d love to help you get started on your oil journey. To find some of my favorite starter kits head here. Ready to get started? Head here, fill out your info and select your kit! As soon as you sign up I will be in contact to get you access to our Oil Community online.
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