Coffee with Katie

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Books I heart.Love is the killer app by Tim Sanders.

The pile of books sitting on my night stand is becoming a daunting reminder of my goal to read one book a month. So far I’m reaching my goal and to help ensure it, each month already has a designated book assigned to it. I promise you there will be more book recommendations because I’m enjoying some life-changing book.

This fall Branden and I had the opportunity to travel down to California and attend the Identity Conference, an entrepreneurial conference. The moment Tim Sanders walked on stage we were mesmerized by his incredible story-telling. After he finished his platform talk Branden and I went to his table to chat with him and buy his 2 books, Love is the Killer App and Today we are Rich.

I finished Love is the Killer App and really enjoyed it. The book is a fairly easy read but loaded with many nuggets of truth to get you thinking. Tim talks on having a love business, which is, “the act of intelligently and sensibly sharing your intangibles with your biz partners.” He then focuses on three intangibles, kindness, network, and compassion. He challenged my thinking on how I view areas of business and interaction with people. He also reinforced my love for reading and learning.

But most of all I walked away wanting to be a better love cat. 🙂


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