Coffee with Katie

the Blog

Conquer the grave.

3 months into 2012 and it has been a different year for me on so many levels. This year the Lord is and has radically been shaping me. Most of which is coming through these times of walking through the refining fire of trials and heartache. I wouldn’t trade those moments because they’ve driven me to my knees and have turned into sweet moments with my personal Savior.

Through these months my prayer life has been flipped upside down and God has begun a work in me. With my prayer life transforming so also has my business. Through letting go of lies and insecurities and embracing and meditating on truth…such truth that it takes faith to walk in it on a daily basis.

I’m learning to let go of fear, timidity, and embrace the might power I was freely given. Christ is calling us to live with such boldness and strength because he has already empowered us with his Spirit. We just need to have faith to walk it out.

We need to stop the comparison game. The lies we let live in our heads. The doubt that cripples us to not live.

It’s got to go and be replaced with the power of Christ. We are under-utilizing the Spirit in our lives and missing out on an amazing journey.

Every morning I am reminded, the same power that conquered the grave lives in me. Whoa. That’s powerful!

This power is a free gift I have to choose. It doesn’t magically appear.

So I ask, do you believe  the same power that conquered the grave lives in YOU?

Does your life reflect this power?

Do your run your business with the power of Christ?

I battle and wrestle through these questions daily.

And I have to choose to believe truth.

“The same power that conquered the grave
Lives in me, lives in me
Your love that rescued the earth
Lives in me, lives in me”


Walk in this. Believe it. Meditate on it.

As it sinks in it becomes overwhelming to grasp.

You are empowered.

Now go walk in His power.


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