Coffee with Katie

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False Freedom

I like order. Plans. Lists. Lots and lots of lists. Which has resulted in worrying, anxious thoughts, and fear.  Then God placed me on a journey that is changing my heart. I’ve found this journey of walking by faith to be freeing. Freeing in a way I’ve not yet experienced before. Where the heavy burdens and weights have been lifted off my shoulder and energy has breathed fresh life into my bones again–with true joy in all circumstances. I find myself resting in this freedom-in who God says that He is.

Meditating on this freedom I’ve been chewing on this–it’s so counter-cultural, really an oxymoron to find freedom by faith in Jesus and not in the securities of this world. But that’s Jesus through and through in scripture. When everything is out of “control” and life is up in the air and every day you walk by faith–that’s when you are free. We are FREE when we are in utter dependence on the Lord for EVERYTHING. When we are trusting him for all things, we are finding freedom in Christ.

House, cars, money, jobs, children, security, food, chocolate, relationships, life plans, dreams…NONE of these “securities” brings freedom. They bring a false sense of freedom. And we fall deceived-we live a life thinking we know true freedom. Just what the enemy designed, masquerading around as the angel of light heaping burdens upon our shoulders, calling it freedom.

God has revealed I’d fallen victim to false freedom.
I acknowledged. I repented. I turned away and walked back to Jesus.
I walked into freedom.
True freedom.
Freedom that is found in trusting in Jesus Christ alone.

This is why I think God calls us not to worry–worry enslaves us. Worry is a sense of us trying to have control over the situation. Worry does not bring freedom. True living is giving up control while completely surrendering to Jesus. Living life in faith-trusting the Lord in all things for each day–that is freedom.

Jesus, Awaken our souls. Awaken us. Breathe life into our status quo. Show us real freedom, freedom in you. Amen.

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