I’d love to sit here and share how glamourous walking in faith is and how awesome it is to be completely dependent on the Lord for each day, but honestly, it doesn’t always look so pretty in my house. Let’s be real, I am an American girl raised in the American theology that money, things and definite plans bring security, happiness, and many smiles, but I have to battle that mindset continually. I mean, I blogged about Target yesterday, I am a girl who loves pretty things! 🙂 I have my days of peace and freedom–then I also have my days of crying confusion, wondering what the heck does the future look like. Time and time again God brings me right back to one simple truth….Seek first His Kingdom and He will give you EVERYTHING you need.
“And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things. These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.” Luke 12:29:31
It’s a constant fight–my heart and scripture battling it out each morning. Why can’t I get this through my head and heart? Why everyday do I have to visit this verse and relearn this simple yet hard truth? Why do I forget? In my forgetfulness God continues to reveal his grace and goodness. The other day I was having one of my emotionally confusing days where I was so frustrated about some future details when out of left-field God dropped a dream and provision into our lap. It was through this, He reminded me (yet again, and again) He is faithful. I live by the truth–His promises, and not by my emotional state. AHH–I suck at this part. Emotions–I love my emotions! But honestly, I am no different than the whining Israelites in the desert…always forgetting that it is He who provides my mana daily!
It may not look refined and polished, but our heart’s prayer and desire in this new season for us has been to seek his kingdom first. We’ve been aligning our hearts and lives to do so and I am beginning to see the glimpses of the rewards by walking in obedience. As my friend always reminds me, obedience brings forth blessings, and I saw the fruit of this played out yesterday. God uses these moments of fulfilled dreams to remind me, He is right here. He’s heard our cries, our dreams, our passions and in His due time, gives us the desires of our hearts. He is faithful and He is a dream-giver but sometimes this means we have to jump out in faith to receive it.
Seek first His Kingdom, keep walking in faith, daring to hope and don’t stop dreaming!
Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you. Psalms 128:1,2
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