Coffee with Katie

the Blog

Season of Waiting.

Waiting for a confidant, a forever friend
Waiting for the loneliness to end
Waiting for a spouse
Waiting for a job
Waiting for relief
Waiting for the cure
Waiting for an answer
Waiting to be loved
Waiting for financial relief
Waiting for the house to sell
Waiting for the orphan to become your child
Waiting for the reconciliation between a family member
Waiting for the baby you long to conceive
Waiting for eternity to be reunited with the love ones we’ve said goodbye to
Waiting to go home and be with the King of Kings
Waiting for tomorrow
Waiting to HEAR. To simply just hear whispers from God, what’s next.

We all can be found in the agony of the tested journey of “wait.” And in the wait we sometimes lose perspective of God’s promises, of the bigger story He is writing. We all long to crawl and squirm our way out of the uncomfortable place of life found in the season of waiting. But the period between now and not yet–that waiting journey changes our lives and our character when we let God into our waiting season.

In the waiting there are eternal promises to be found. In the waiting there is beauty and strength in God’s relentless love and power.

Though in the wait, we are afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and knocked down, our God has made us a promise–in the wait we are NEVER abandoned, crushed, in despair nor destroyed. (2 Cor. 4v8-9) Though we may feel like we are destroyed and crushed, it is not the truth. We are just fragile jars of clay on display for Christ to display HIS strength through us…”but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” (2 Cor. 4v7)

In the season of waiting lies a treasure, a great treasure of God’s greatness–He is our great & never-ending power & strength in our fragility. Those moments when we are waiting so patiently, we are tired, worn and we feel at our lowest, our weakest, those are the moments we are made stronger and his light shines brightly through our brokenness. In the journey of the wait that makes us feel so frail and weak, God renews us–moment by moment he breathes life into our weariness that strengthens our feeble soul to display to the world His magnificent glory.

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
they walk and don’t lag behind. Is. 40:31

By his grace, he freely gives us fresh strength in each new day. No need to rely and hold onto the old strength of yesterday when new strength is provided each morning.

In the seasons of waiting I am personally learning:
Waiting develops character.
Waiting develops perseverance.
Waiting develops endurance.
Waiting develops faith.
Waiting develops trust.
Waiting refines a sinner’s soul.
Waiting makes our faith like gold.
Waiting brings you into a deeper place of prayer.
Waiting reveals He is enough.
Waiting reveals His blood is sufficient.
Waiting is HARD–but waiting is worth it when Jesus is the goal of life, not my comfort.
Waiting produces in us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Those of us walking through the thick trenches of the wait, take heart. Though there are times we want to quit, don’t give up. God is holding us close. Fresh strength is given to fuel our weary souls in the wait.

 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. -psalms 27:14

>> How can we encourage one another in the season of WAIT? Wherever we find ourselves let us extend grace to those sisters and brothers around us that are positioned in the hard season of wait.

I would love to hear from you, do you relate? Do you find yourself in this season of waiting?Katie Campbell Photography

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  1. Aleisha Rust says:

    Completely! I am trying to not be like Lot’s wife and instead look FORWARD and at the present and not at the past. I am waiting for us to be “ready” to place the for sale sign out front so we can give our family a little more breathing room. Waiting for Spring, so we can open the doors and let the light and the fresh air flood in to wipe away the dreeryness and the sickness that has taken over our home the course of the Winter. Waiting as patiently as possible. We wait.

  2. Kimberly Stone says:

    A beautiful, life-giving post. Love you Katie.

  3. Carole L. Frybarger says:

    I too find myself waiting for the sun, spring, hope again of the warmth that makes my pain better, my joints not so sore all the time. I always pray that God helps me not wish away any time that he has granted me here on earth, but in the cold it is so much harder.
    Thank you for sharing, it makes it easier to not feel alone.

  4. Shawna Vigfusson says:

    Thank you Kimberly for sharing a beautiful poem that definitely speaks to us right now 🙂

  5. […] have written about waiting here and here before because waiting is a consistent […]

  6. David Hasenkamp says:

    The enemy would like you to succumb to the tests and trials of waiting. God will crush his head in the battle. God says the battle has been won through Christ Jesus. I claim victory in Christ, for without Him I am defenseless. Thank you Katie, words for an eternal purpose. I wish Jesus would return, I am encouraged by your post til then.

  7. David Hasenkamp says:

    No Katie, thank you. You are the encouragement. Putting your heart into words may help others see the the heart of Jesus and that knowing Him doesn’t mean its all Rosie.

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