The wind rustled through the curtains waking me from my sleep. My eyes popped open to the bright sun falling across my sleepy face to remind me May is here.
May, my Birthday month, I love May.
I laid in my cozy bed for a few seconds and then Thursday found my soul.
Thursday is the day I lost a piece of my heart forever.
No matter how hard I try to skip over Thursday, to push back the remembrance of what day it is, it always finds me.
For the past 10 weeks I dread Thursday.
Thursdays usually are filled with tears and heartache.
But this Thursday is different, this Thursday is May 1st.
Her favorite month.
She loved May,
the bright flowers, the sunny days, the birds chirping, the newness of life.
Today, I fight to find joy tucked underneath the little moments that delighted her heart.
Today is May. Today is Thursday.
Today I choose to remember her life by enjoying the newness bursting forth, the newness spring brings in the month of May.
Today, I dare to hope
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Even on Thursdays.
(photo taken by Susan)