Today, earth stands frozen blue
The chill of her absence numbs our limbs over with grief
A grand party of 50 should be had today, yet instead we enter not a celebration
but a house of mourning
Festive balloons should be filling the room with joy of life’s milestone
Yet today tears stream down our faces for the breath of her life that is finished
We long for her back home today.
Sweet delights of cheesecake and chocolates should be our celebration dessert in her honor
yet all we taste is bitter sorrows and the salt of our tears
Why must it be this way?
A chorus of voices should be singing over her the infamous Happy Birthday Song today
Yet the songs of laments are our lyrics
Gone too soon we cry out.
The hearts who were graced with her affection and love ache for the warmth of her smile today
Today we should be showering her with presents
But today, today her Father is giving her His presence
And in the end, is there not a better gift than to be in the actual presence of God?
For today we weep with hearts of grief
yet she is the envy, sweet Susan is in the grand party of the Heavenly host.
In Heaven today, this 15th day of November, there in eternity she will be, dancing her golden years with you, her Father.
May the Angelic voices sing a celebration over her today where our voices, her beloved friends and family, are not with her to say,
Happy 50th Birthday Susan.