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32 ways to use Essential Oils to impact your mood

ESSENTIAL OILS ARE DYNAMIC, Supporting your body physically AND emotionally

The benefit of using essential oils for mood management is that they can help soothe, calm, and uplift the emotions in a natural way. High quality essential oils are pure and potent, so only a little oil will be needed to help the user achieve the desired effect. Although essential oils are extremely powerful, they come from natural sources, so they are still safe to use.

By providing a safe, natural way to manage emotions, aromatherapy is a good alternative to many of the other mood management tactics out there.

Smell is the fastest way to affect mood.
Aromatic molecules have direct access to the limbic area, or emotional seat, of the brain.

  1. Arborvitae: The grounding aroma of Arborvitae oil can help promote a sense of peace and calm.
  2. Basil: Diffuse Basil oil to lessen occasional anxious feelings.
  3. Bergamot: Both calming and uplifting, Bergamot can be used to reduce feelings of negativity and stress.
  4. Cardamom: The clear, refreshing aroma of Cardamom oil can help promote a positive mood.
  5. Cedarwood: Use Cedarwood oil aromatically to help relax the mind and body.
  6. Clary Sage: Clary Sage creates a restful environment while reducing feelings of stress and anxiousness.
  7. Clove: Many people use Clove oil for its stimulating and energizing properties.
  8. Coriander: Coriander oil can be used to promote feelings of calmness and relaxation.
  9. Cypress: The refreshing aroma of Cypress oil can be energizing and can help reduce anxious feelings.
  10. Douglas Fir: Use Douglas Fir oil to promote a positive mood and sense of focus.
  11. Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is commonly used to lessen feelings of tension and promote relaxation.
  12. Frankincense: Use Frankincense oil to induce feelings of peace, satisfaction, and overall wellness.
  13. Geranium: Inhaling Geranium oil can produce a calming, grounding effect.
  14. Grapefruit: The fragrance of Grapefruit oil is light and uplifting for the user.
  15. Jasmine: Use Jasmine oil to evoke feelings of peace, joy, and self-confidence.
  16. Juniper Berry: When used aromatically, it can promote positive feelings and lessen feelings of stress.
  17. Lavender: People commonly use Lavender oil for its relaxing and calming properties.
  18. Lemon: Use Lemon oil aromatically to promote a positive mood.
  19. Lime: The chemical constituents of Lime oil make it useful for promoting emotional balance and wellbeing.
  20. Melissa: Use Melissa oil to help calm tension and nerves.
  21. Myrrh: Myrrh oil can help increase spiritual awareness and promote a creative, inspiring, energetic mood.
  22. Patchouli: Aromatic use of Patchouli oil can help ground and balance emotions.
  23. Peppermint: Use Peppermint oil for an invigorating energy boost.
  24. Petitgrain: The aroma of Petitgrain oil can help ease feelings of tension and promote feelings of calmness.
  25. Roman Chamomile: Use Roman Chamomile oil to promote peaceful, calming feelings.
  26. Rose: The scent of Rose oil can be emotionally uplifting. Sandalwood: Sandalwood oil can help enhance mood.
  27. Spearmint: The fresh aroma of Spearmint oil uplifts mood while promoting a sense of focus.
  28. Spikenard: Frequently used in aromatherapy, Spikenard oil is renowned for its grounding properties.
  29. Tangerine: Apply Tangerine oil topically to help promote feelings of happiness.
  30. Vetiver: Vetiver oil can have a calming, grounding effect on emotions.
  31. Wild Orange: With a revitalizing aroma, Wild Orange oil can provide energy on a stress-filled day.
  32. Ylang Ylang: Apply Ylang Ylang oil topically for a calming, uplifting effect.

Ready to invest in your wellness and impact your mood with safe and natural options? Email me 

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