Coffee with Katie

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Letters to my Babe // Kezia Joy is One Month

One month with you Kezia Joy. ☘️

Oh how you have changed in 4 short weeks…. even more, how life in the world has flipped upside down in that same time.

It’s been the weirdest month in the world swirling outside around us and I’ve had to be intentional to not let the chaos and worry come in and steal the blessing and joy of you.

4 weeks of never wanting to set you down, holding you close as I study your tiny toes,  fragile fingers as I rub my hand through that wild head of thick hair.

I find myself eyes closed, pressing you in to Inhale your newness as I kiss those cheeks. I never want the love.. that tenderness of your newness to come to an end.

You my sweet girl have been the bright spot in the last 4 weeks. Hospital stays, the world rapidly changing as we know it… and you are my gift in those last few weeks.

Nights when I can’t sleep I reach over and place you on my chest, just so the joy of your presence can calm my racing heart. Your breathing upon my chest syncing my breath again.

In the silence of the night, as I feed you I pray over your little life. I ponder, dream and pray that God would bring you here.. ” for just such a time as this.”

The moments through the day when my heart forgets about the God who can do the impossible I hold you and remember… I remember you Kezia are truly a testament to the God who does the impossible. You are one of Gods miracles. You are the a gift of persistent prayer and holding on to hope. I can’t wait to see the purposes God has in-store for you baby girl.

In our short time together we’ve soaked up your sweetness and given thanks for your calm disposition. It takes a lot to get you to cry and upset. I often joke with your daddy that you are the easy one… it’s your twin sisters who keep me on my toes. 🙂 You love when your daddy gives your baths and having your head of hair washed. You are a great eater and sleeper– which your mama is so thankful for! There is just an ease with your presence and peace you bring to our family.

Kezia you so loved. My heart is stirred with a mighty love for your Kezia Joy. I am thankful God chose you to be my daughter. I needed you, our family needed you. You complete us and our story in ways you may never know.

Love,  your Mama

Your one month Birthday falls on St. Patricks Day, so we had to dress you up to celebrate 🙂 


To Read more Letters to my babes click here.

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