Kezia Joy… JOY, JOY, JOY is what you have brought into our homes.
One mid-morning I snuggled you close, rocking you in your new nursery we put together. You looked up at me and I kept repeating, “you were worth it, you were worth it, I would do it again all over just for you!” My love for you outweighs any pain I endured. See, last summer you were growing in my belly and I didn’t know if I could go one more day pregnant. Last August I was getting weekly infusions, in the hospital, spent my hours cozied up next to the toilet while throwing up and nauseous non stop. Those hot summer days I buried up in the house and cried and cried as I held you in my belly.
Why do I tell you this Kezia… because God taught me so much about your little life in this unique season of the world we find ourselves in. One day I will tell you that you were born in the midst of History… that life changed rapidly these little months since you’ve been born. BUT your LIFE reminds me, anything we walk through, any hard season that comes, it all pales in comparison to Eternity with Jesus.
Sweet Kezia, I snuggle you in that rocking chair and run my fingers down those chubby cheeks and tears fill my eyes. My love for you has made all of what once was hard fall away… and what a picture that gives me. When I stand before the King of Kings, not one hard day on earth will matter once I am in His presence. The consuming Love of our Father Jesus will wipe it all away…the simplicity of just being in his presence will make every single hard moment on our journey on Earth dissipate.
I share these words with you as a young babe, as a promise and a prayer. Your life brings JOY, your smile spreads cheerfulness, your shining eyes bring a sparkle into our eyes. When I gaze into your eyes, the love we share covers over the ugly memories– I only see beauty, I am consumed with love for you.
“ Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” Romans 8:18
This month you have continued to woo us with blowing bubbles, smiles and giggles. You moved into your own room this month and our nights together are officially over. As much as I loved you near, we both sleep so much better 🙂 We have just begun trying solids, you have tried bananas a few times with a love/hate for them. We all laugh as you blow bubbles as I try to feed them to you.
You get the biggest excitement over Ellie and Brooklyn. You LOVE when they play with you… you kick and giggle and a light fills your eyes differently when they are near. They are helping push you along in crawling… you are so close. You have made little pushes along the floor, little do they know you are soon to be all in their stuff. 😉
Kezia Joy you are loved my sweet girl,
Your mama