Coffee with Katie

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Faith Births Hope for others.

I think when we think of living in faith, we immediately go to impossible situations of faith. The “BIG” things.

But really faith is weaved into every mundane part of our life. The small acts of faith I think eventually can lead to the bigger acts of faith.

But it usually is the small yeses that no one ever sees that matter to God.

Faith isn’t working hard or trying harder to live in faith either- that’s all religious work. God doesn’t want that, just our hearts.

God wants our yes. Our surrendered lives. When we can’t see or understand.

I think of the hero’s of Faith mentioned in Hebrews 11… and their willingness to live in faith all points back to Jesus.

Faith is flow… His spirit flowing through our open lives.

He’s looking for the ones to say, here’s my life, you can pour through.

He’s looking for the obedient ones, whether we ever know why or see answers.

What I’ve really been pondering is, how most heros of faith in the Bible, their faith-filled lives were never about them. They weren’t the point, though they got accredited the faith.

What I mean is, we live in such a self-centered, me-focused culture. We are obsessed with self, that we’ve taken faith as all about “me.”

We kind of get sucked into the, “this is all about me” mindset.

But the more I think about it, many of those who lived by faith in the scriptures, it was all about God using their obedience to birth life in and for others. It was never about the person to begin with, it was about Gods love for others.

The acts of Faith were for his people.

Seeds of faith paired with obedience were the ways Gods purpose goes forth. I think Gods calling to live by faith is less about the individual and more about the love of others.

Faith is Gods grace.
Faith is love.
Faith is what points back to God over and over.

Our faith, partnered with the power of the Holy Spirit is what births HOPE.

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬



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