Coffee with Katie

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Often you can find my bedside stacked with 5-10 books at anytime. Many times I’m reading 5 at one time, always have done this, it’s my favorite way to read.

The last year my books took on a theme of prayer & revival. Books on revival became my new favorite- they stirred my heart in a way no other book has because it was history of Gods stories that brought HOPE!

After reading the The Azusa Revival in January, I jotted these few notes down in my journal on my perceptions I picked up on revival.


We say we want revival, Gods presence to come change us, but we won’t let go of comfort.

We want the gifts revival bring, yet will we stand in courage and obey God in persecution?

I think we may want the joy and end results of revival— not the work of it. Will we die to self to see the harvest birthed?

We want revival, we may agree to it cognitively, but will it move us to action and prioritize prayer?

Revival starts in us first – it is a personally revived heart and life.

Revival may mean losing friends, being unpopular at the cost of radical obedience to the audience of ONE.

It means being emptied out- sacrificing money, time, friends and gain.

It’s a laying down all my life.

We can’t hold our comforts tight-fisted in this season because — there is a cost! Do you know Jesus, who cost his life for you? Because when you do— you’ll stop at nothing to be in his presence.

I’m finishing up the Hebrides Revival book and it struck me this week how they sensed so much life and energy as they gave their time and life. They’d stay up until the wee hours praying and worshipping in homes.
This morning my eyes popped open with the birds chirping, my heart overflowing as I reflected on last nights prayer with women that went in to the night hours (for me! Ha! Anything past 9 is late 🤣) Joy filled me as we pushed in for healing and rejoiced in freedom coming.I then opened my email later this morning to discover I was selected for the Wildfires Launch team. A new book on revival written by I can’t wait to start reading and sharing with you.

On this Friday morning, Revival came flooding my heart this morning. You can’t read the word of God and these books on revival/prayer and know where we are at…..

“ Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me revival in my soul and in my church and in my nation —-or give me death.” Pg 158 Revival Tarries

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