I have wanted to share this story for a while but because it seemed so cliché I didn’t. This morning studying Jesus calling the disciples fishers of men reminded me that we can never hear this Gospel truth enough.
Since moving to Florida our family has become a fishing family. It started with Branden but quickly became an activity we all loved.
Over the year we fished A LOT. I know fishing stories are familiar in the church… but God deeply spoke to my heart as I learned to fish this year.
Fishing taught me how to find JOY in the activity, not just in results. The adventure unfolded in wondering, will today be the day?
Some evenings we would catch so many fish so quickly, it would be a jackpot fishing day.
The next day we could go out and do everything exactly the same, same place, time, bait… and nothing. But it was still full of fun and adventure. You can’t control results. Yes, it’s extra special when fish are caught, but a day wasn’t ruined regardless of how many fish.
On those white sandy beaches with a pole waiting some days we’d be there for HOURS, then right when the sun was setting the fish would hit all the lines… what if we quit because we lacked the endurance?
What if a few days of no fish made me believe I’m not good at this fishing thing and I quit?
That would be silly!
BUT why do we quit sharing the gospel, praying for others, or stepping out in faith?
If it’s foolish to quit fishing based on the results than I think it’s foolish of us to lose endurance and abandon our Gospel Mission because the fruit isn’t seen in our timing. 😉
As I’ve learned through fishing it takes practice, showing up, having faith, and simply being faithful to the mission. There’s some tenacity needed.
No fish will be caught if I am not out there with a line at least trying! My odds are 0%. In the same way, The harvest of souls God wants to bring into the Kingdom will not have a chance to be “won” unless we step out in faith with a “line.”
Jesus called the disciples to follow him and be fishers of men… that wasn’t just for the 12, it’s also for you and I. Following Jesus includes following his ways, which was proclaiming the Good News.