He told them, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)
I grabbed my coffee and Bible and flipped open to the same passage I just can’t move on from, Luke 10. I dove deep into word study again and prayed through what Jesus is saying. After my study, I closed my Bible and hopped to the beach to Prayer walk. As soon as I got to the shore the shells were abundant and once again God reminded me… there was an urgency to the harvest.
I continue to find it interesting before Jesus sends out the 72 that he instructs them in prayer for workers… he doesn’t say to pray for the harvest, he says to pray for the LABORERS. As the first thing! This wrecks me every time.
As the ocean waves naturally carry shells of every size and shape to shore— in the same way, Jesus is preparing hearts, he has a harvest ready for the church.
I’ve been asking myself, Do we think God doesn’t have a harvest? Because in general, I think we tend to live as if there isn’t one. I’m challenging my own life as I reflect on his words in scripture. If I really believed Jesus’ words in the Gospels that, “the harvest is abundant.” Where is the urgency?
Jesus says PRAY EARNESTLY for laborers. This has been my heart’s cry over the years… and the more I pray it the more intense my ache for laborers becomes.
This morning on my walk as I bent down and examined shells and selected a few to bring home God was whispering to my soul, “the harvest is really here Katie.”
To become surrendered Kingdom laborer takes a lot of faith. Faith to live out God’s word as true and then align my life according to this word.