Coffee with Katie

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The wonder of Santa Claus

This past Saturday I was blessed to volunteer for Candlelighter’s Candy Cane Lane. (more on this later this week) The majority of the afternoon I was stationed with Santa Claus taking pictures of adorable children. What I wasn’t expecting was to fall in love with taking Santa Claus pictures over and over. I think I grinned the entire afternoon. The little kids, with wonder in their eyes would line up to see Santa, bringing their gifts and requests. They would sit on his lap and their eyes would sparkle as he spoke, they were absolutely mesmerized by him. My favorite little boy came running up and ran straight up to Santa’s face and proclaimed, ” I believe in you!!”

I believe most day-to-day experiences are intertwined with the voice of God. My Saturday with Santa Claus became a vivid picture of Jesus.

Just as these kids approached Santa with anticipation, wonder, and joy– Jesus want us to approach him the same way. Coming to him with gifts and requests and mesmerized at who he is.

To run to him in any circumstance and proclaim, “I believe.”

These precious kids loved Santa for who he was. Not for what he does.

Jesus speaks in the Bible of having faith like a child.

That day I imagined that Santa Claus was Jesus and these kids longed to be with him.

This should be my heart. I need a heart of child. To be in awe of my savior that all I want to do is sit at his feet in wonder of who He is. That I look into his eyes with a sparkle because he is God. The savior of my soul.

Luke 18:15-17

People brought babies to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. When the disciples saw it, they shooed them off. Jesus called them back. “Let these children alone. Don’t get between them and me. These children are the kingdom’s pride and joy. Mark this: Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.”

As Christmas comes, let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus with the heart and simplicity of a child.



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