Every morning we wake, we have choices. I have to chose chose joy.hope.love. perseverance every single day. Otherwise I can’t make it. The other night I stayed up reading late into the morning hours, Love Does by Bob Goff. And he inspired me to make a choice. A choice to chose to make the best out of the crappiest situations. Happy moments aren’t going to come flowing to my door step. I have to go discover them myself.To find joy in the midst of pain.
Over a week ago, after an incredibly challenging week I was wiped. So tired from life that I was too tired to even have a pity party. I wanted to laugh again.
I grabbed Branden and we drove to the fields. Clueless at to what we were doing I had to force him to pull over. I shared my idea and he looked at me like, what happened to my wife? With pink hues painting the blue sky and the golden sun falling behind the mountains, we jumped out of the car and walked through the corn stalks. These tall, fairytale stalks went on for miles in every direction, making you feel so small. Standing in the quiet rows, we felt secure, secluded from this crazy world. At the end of our corn stalk adventure our stomachs ached from the endless laughter.
I know it sounds sooo silly and childish. But you know what. In that moment the hard things faded and we were young and free again. We stopped and appreciated each other. The laughter still rings in my ears today, because that laughter signaled hope. A small part of our soul was healed through the laughter in the fields.
I think sometimes God wants us to see the world through the lens of a child & experience the joys of simplicity. We adults lose that so quickly…
Friends, I’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, stories, and comments below.