Coffee with Katie

the Blog

Finding hope in others holy discontent.

Yesterday on my newsfeed this story popped up from IF:gathering. The title grabbed my attention and I began watching this couple’s story. With my computer propped on my lap, I began feel my heart beat a little faster as glimpses of their story sounded eerily similar to ours….the only difference is they now know their answers of a new journey, while we wait for ours. With the cozy fire on behind me and my heart engaged in the video, I thought to myself, “this is us!”

There is a fiery passion that burns in my husband & I’s soul, there is something more… the holy discontent that keeps us on our knees & up at night. The groaning deep within us that our story isn’t looking the way we once dreamed or desired. The waiting. Oh the WAITING. I wrote about our waiting last February and here I sit 9 months later, still waiting for those three areas I originally blogged out. Hearing this couple speak of their waiting–their faith–their unemployment was encouraging. Because in this story I see myself and I know we are not alone. This story fuels my hope that our answer is around the bend.

We aren’t the only ones who walked away from a comfortable life as youth pastors with a stable salary into the unknown because holy discontent wrecked our souls.
We aren’t alone in believing there is something more for us–that God doesn’t want normal–he wants sold out people willing to be last in his Kingdom.
There is a stirring happening, a holy discontent that I believe isn’t just happening to this couple or us, no I think it’s more…it’s sweeping the hearts of others. I believe people are awakening that there is more to God’s story and it has to do with walking away with comfort–from the way of “normalcy” & learning to die.

 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.- Matthew 10:39

*Thank you If:Gathering for posting this story. If you have some time I recommend this video 🙂


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