My little Kezia Joy,
You are three. Your mama is 2 months late to writing your Birthday letter, but I’ve thought about everything I have wanted to say to my precious girl!
You are the spunk and fire to your family. You bring deep joy, laughter, and a little sass to our lives… I love all of it.
This was your first full year growing up in Florida and you are such a beach girl. You are always barefoot, flying around the neighborhood on your scooter faster than your mama’s heart can handle. You love climbing and adventure, often giving me mini-heart attacks. You can’t live without your sunglasses, “laptop” swimsuit, and being outside. You love jumping in the pool, on the beach playing in the sand or being with the neighborhood friends playing games.
Kezia Joy, you love your sisters. You await their pitter-patters in the mornings so you can position yourselves at the bottom of the stairs and give them a warm good morning hug. You HATE if you can’t do every single thing they are doing. You want to be just like them.
Your eyes sparkle in a way that lights up a room. You easily bring smiles and laughter into our home. You are persistent yet sweet. You know what you want and love to tell your sisters what they want too. You sometimes rule the sisterhood, and Brooklyn and Ellie succumb to all that Kezia wants. I guess that’s the perk of being the baby of the family.
Kezia, I can’t believe you are three…. this mama’s heart thinks time is passing too quickly. You are loved and adored. I want to bottle you up and keep you young forever.
Like I tell your sisters every year, you are an answered prayer! You are a gift to us, you were longed for, waited for, and cried for. Kezia we awaited your arrival for so many years and we thank God that he gave us you, our Kezia Joy! You are fearfully and wonderfully made, God’s thoughts about you can’t be numbered!
I love you with all my heart Kezia Joy, I am thankful God chose me to be your mama. I will do my best to love you, hold your hand through this rollercoaster of a life, to pray for you, to walk ahead of you leading the way for you to walk behind with courage and boldness. I will always be your biggest cheerleader, prayer warrior, and faithful mom. I pray for the woman you will become in the years ahead, but for now, I’ll squeeze those little hands, kiss those cheeks, and let you snuggle in bed all you want because I want to savor these moments forever.
Love you my Kezia, my “Joy, Joy”
“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!”
Your currents love::
broccoli, carrots, frozen blueberries, puzzles, marble run, wearing sunglasses and goggles, putting on my makeup, Dance parties, snuggling with Alys, anything Paw Patrol and belting out the Greatest Showman.
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