Kezia Joy, tonight I tucked you into bed one last time as a 1-year-old and it wasn’t without a flood of tears. Before bed you and I just played in your room, throwing a balloon and giggling. And when a wave of tears would hit me, you’d scurry out of your room into the bathroom to return back with some toilet paper for my tears. Three different times you’d see my tears and race out to return with more toilet paper so I could dab my eyes with it. At your little age, you are so tender and intune to your mama’s tears. Kezia, you are my last baby girl, my last baby…. this is it. The growing up I am just not ready for, oh that I could keep you little.
Kezia Joy, you are a full embodiment of your name. JOY! You bring a sweet aroma and spark of joy to every one of us in a way that woos us all in. Your big brown eyes, your endearing smile… you are our doll baby. The way you are awestruck and full of joy in all moments melts my heart. You have a huge reaction to whatever is happening or whenever you receive any gifts. You are always up for surprises and adventures.
Kezia, my favorite thing you do recently that I never want to forget… every morning you always are up before the twins and when you hear their footsteps making their way down the stairs you position yourself at the bottom where you yell their name and say with authority, “Come here Ellie, come here Brooklyn.” You get your hand out and wave motions to come like you own the house. And without flinching you have the twins come where you want so that you can embrace them with hugs and glee. You love big!
Kezia you love to do whatever your sisters are doing! You LOVE to sing the Greatest Showman with Ellie and to color with Brooklyn. You also love to pretend to know how to read or do the math as I am Homeschooling the girls. You are enamored with balloons and bubbles and anything outside.
At 18 months we turned your life upside down and moved across the country to Florida where you’ve officially become a beach babe! Your growing up memories will now be by the sandy shores of Florida….and I couldn’t be happier! You love the beach and ocean and swimming, I think you were born to be here embracing the beach girl life.
Happy Birthday my Sweet Kezia Joy. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Born for just a time as this.
Love your mama
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